Materialising Your Needs


Specialty Materials Used in our Manufacturing Process

At Dalzell & Bagley, we offer custom manufactured parts in a variety of materials tailored to suit your specific application. If your component requires special properties like high wear resistance, self-lubrication, heat dissipation, or corrosion resistance, we can offer a material to suit./p>

Stainless Steel is an immensely popular material used in the manufacture of a wide spectrum of components. We machine shafts made from 316 or 420 Grade Stainless Steel for the Marine Industry, and Plastic Moulding parts from STAVAX Grade Stainless Steel. We often use 304 Grade Stainless Steel in the fabrication of tanks and covers that we manufacture for the food industry.

Another material we often use for parts requiring substantial heat dissipation and transfer is Bronze Alloy LG2. This material also offers excellent corrosion resistance to sea water and brine. Because of these properties, it is often the preferred material for bearing bushes.

We can also offer components with altered properties and various surface treatments. On appropriate components, we offer Nitriding, Stress Relieving, Hardening, Normalising and Annealing. Surface treatments such as Zinc Plating, Galvanising, Powder Coating and Painting can also be arranged.

Contact us for more information on how we can offer you a sustainable competitive advantage using specialist materials.